
Google Boss Asks Employees To Put Extra Shifts Amid Market Collapse

Google’s boss, Sundar Pichai thinks that productivity has fallen in order to achieve all the objectives the company set considering its number of employees. 

Revenue getting wavered is just one thing, but Google is asking its, employees, to put in a little extra hard work to at least achieve their targets. Given the fact that almost every market has taken a hit in the last 5-6 months, Google is also not shying away from this fact as well. I mean the technology sector as a whole has been on the worst front.

Due to a shortage of work, many employees in the tech sector have already been laid off. According to the analysis of economists, the upcoming future is not looking any good as well. 

Google is one of the biggest tech giants in the world. They just can’t afford to keep going on like this. However, Google is pushing its employees to exceed their limits amid this tech industry crisis. 

Sundar Pichai didn’t hold off his distraught state and said to the employees: “There are real concerns that our productivity as a whole is not where it needs to be for the headcount we have,”

According to several legitimate sources, there was a meeting held between Google executives and employees. The CEO Sundar Pichai didn’t feel satisfied with how things are going currently. He has also urged every employee to pick up the pace and go the extra mile.

Sundar thinks Google lies way behind its targets. In the meeting, Sundar asked the workers to become “more mission-focused, more focused on our products, more customer-focused.” 

“We should think about how we can minimize distractions and really raise the bar on both product excellence and productivity,” Sundar further stated. 

Sundar Pichai’s Movements 

Google employees themselves started to have concerns of their own. Just a month back, Sundar issued a memo for the employees of Google. Its idea was to make everyone clear that Google will be slowing off the hunt for hiring new employees for the rest of the year. Sundar further added in the memo that the company would work with “greater urgency, sharper focus, and more hunger than we’ve shown on sunnier days.”

In hopes of encouraging more productivity and focus, the Google boss created a new program. The idea of the program would be to welcome any sort of employee feedback or ideas. There will also be a survey conducted that will allow each employee to come forth with their personal point of view in hopes of fresh ideas. 

However, since May, many tech companies have decided to take a “hiring pause”. Companies like Meta and Uber were the most popular ones amongst all of them. That’s probably why Sundar Pichai is cultivating encouraging and absorbing ideas into the firm. He doesn’t want Google to go off track in these worrying times. 

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