When Were Smartphones Invented – Complete History

The year 1992 is quite famous because many groundbreaking events took place in that year. For instance, Bill Clinton was declared as the President of the United States and also the Cold War declared the same year. However during all those worldly changes, 1992 was also the year when IBM revealed the world’s very first smartphone. In 1994, IBM’s smartphone device was set at a price tag of $1,100. Although it must be mentioned that after just six months of its unveiling, the company had sold over 50,000 units. 

Cellphones had always been there since the 1970s. However, there was something about the smartphones that intrigued the Americans in a way that can’t be explained. The first ever smartphone also enabled the modern day internet access. It can be said that this laid down the foundation of digital telecommunication. 

Let’s take you down the years as important events kept happening in the context of cellphones, mobiles and smartphones. 

1983: The First Ever Mobile

In 1983, Motorola was kind enough to give us the very first mobile of the world, the DynaTAC 8000X. We have inarguably come a very long way since then because Motorola’s first mobile weighed over more than a pound and had a price tag of $4,000. Often referred to as “The Brick”, DynaTAC 8000X only had a battery life of 30 minutes. It can be said about the 8000X that it was more of a status statement than a usable mobile. 

1994: The First Ever Smartphone 

As already mentioned above that the first ever smartphone of the world was created and developed by IBM. Therefore, It was unveiled in 1992 but was successfully available for sale two years later in 1994. IBM named it the Simon Personal Communicator (SPC). It must be mentioned that SPC wasn’t a beautiful looking device but it possessed features that became a statement for all other smartphones to come forth later. The SPC was the first ever phone that had the ability to send and receive emails and faxes. Features also included a calendar, native appointment scheduler and address book. 

These features were still quite raw but the world imminently gave SPC the title of “The World’s First Smartphone”. 

2007: Steve Jobs Masterclass

In the world of smartphones, the most significant year was the year Steve Jobs made his mark on the big stage. In 2007, Steve Jobs and his mates unveiled the world’s first iPhone. That being said, the first iPhone was the most impressive touch screen device there had been. iPhone also offered full internet access as well. It had abilities that people only thought they can access through a desktop only. For instance, web browsing. 

Was iPhone The First Smartphone?

Well no, iPhone wasn’t the world’s first smartphone. Long before iPhone revolutionised the technology sector, IBM unveiled the first ever smartphone in 1992. However, the Simon Personal Communicator (SPC) as they called it, was officially made for sale in 1994. It consisted of many groundbreaking features that many smartphones include as of today. Although, iPhone was the first smartphone to be the sleekest touch screen device of all time. 

When Did The First Touch Screen Phone Came Out?

In 1992, IBM shocked the world when they announced and unveiled the world’s first ever smartphone, the Simon Personal Communicator (SPC). It had features that all smartphone making companies follow. However, it was the first touch screen phone ever to come out. It also had a touch keyboard as a feature alongside a calendar, address book and native appointment scheduler. 

When Were Cellphones Available To The Public?

Todays generation doesn’t know this but the world’s first cellphone’s prototype was unveiled ten years before it’s actual launch in 1983. In 1973 the world was given a look on how a cellphone would look like and attain upon its release. In 1983, Motorola released the first ever cellphone, the DynaTAC 8000X. It weighed over 1 pound and was something you couldn’t have easily fit into your pocket. Shockingly, the DynaTAC provided a 30-minute talk time and took almost 10 hours to charge completely.