The Walking Dead, one of AMC’s longest-running TV shows, returned for its 11th and final season on August 22, 2021. Three sections, each with eight episodes, make up the massive 24-episode season. The first installment began in August 2021 and ended on Sunday, October 10, 2021. On AMC, the second episode of the previous season debuted on February 20 and ended on April 10, 2022.
The third episode of the previous season debuted on October 2, 2022, and is scheduled to end on November 20, 2022. The Walking Dead is watched by millions of people every week on AMC or AMC+ and countless more eagerly anticipate its arrival on Netflix for a binge-watching experience. So, the release date of the last season on Netflix is highly awaited by fans. Here is all we know about the American Netflix release of The Walking Dead Season 11.
What Does “The Walking Dead’s” Storyline Entail?
The Walking Dead is a post-apocalyptic horror television show that is based on the same-named comic book series by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard. In the television show, a big ensemble cast performs the roles of zombie apocalypse survivors. They fight to survive as they live in constant fear of assaults from “walkers,” or zombies.
When Will The Walking Dead: Season 11 Be Available On Netflix In The US?
Typically, Netflix releases new seasons shortly before the next one on AMC premieres, but that won’t be the case in this instance. Even if we don’t expect that to change the date, it’s important to keep in mind. Its Netflix release date could also be affected by an extended season duration. It would fall between March and April 2023, as past seasons have typically been uploaded on Netflix between 113 and 161 days following their ending date. The program will debut in January 2023, although we haven’t been able to confirm that date.
You have to wait till formal confirmation, though, in reality. The Walking Dead season 11 will be available for streaming by September 2023 at the latest. Season 11 is only available on AMC+ in the US. Either directly or through Amazon Prime Channels, until it is added to Netflix. Considering that Netflix USA and Netflix Canada have previously received seasons simultaneously, we anticipate this pattern to continue.
When Season 11 Debuts, Will The Walking Dead Be Removed From Netflix?
Yes, the program will ultimately depart Netflix since, after being bought by 20th Television, Disney is now the principal distributor of the show outside of the United States. The Walking Dead will leave Netflix, although the exact date is unknown. It will depart Netflix in 2026 if it follows the example of previous AMC programs.