A civilisation is a procedure by which a society or place reaches an advanced stage of social and cultural development and organisation. Some of the most ancient civilisations carried the most advanced systems of that time. However, we have piled some characteristics that you might not have known about civilisations.
First off, lets get you all clear on what exactly is a Civilisation.
Characteristics Of A Civilisation
Almost all civilisations contain the following traits. They all have advance cities and state-cities. Then they all have specialised workers and merchants who carry out the basic social and economical welfare. After that all civilisations consist of some of the worlds most intricate monuments and institutions. All civilisations are active in record keeping. Nothing that comes to the empire or goes out of the empire remains unrecorded. Lastly, all civilisations have access to some of the worlds most advanced technology at the given time.
Civilisations must also have large population centres in order to get called a civilisation. They should rather excel in the architectural department and build cultural monuments. The division of population on the basis of class is a rather known fact as well. The status symbol is a very important deed to the civilisations. People are categorised on the basis of their wealth, power and status.

Elements A Civilisation Must Contain
In order to be called a successful civilisation, it must have the following elements included. There should be a social structure like mentioned above. Perhaps a hierarchical structure was adopted by many older civilisations. Then they should have an active religious culture. Almost all civilisations in the past were built off their religious beliefs and cultures. After that, they should contain a steady government. The governors are the ones that actually go into the cities and cater after each issue. The emperors are just there to rule and deliver but the work gets done by the governors. So an active government system is important. The government also leads a large group of people in a certain direction.
A healthy civilisation mostly consists of more than 100,000 people and feeding them all is big hurdle. An efficient food supply is also quite necessary for a civilisation to be run successfully, like the Aztec Civilisation. The Aztecians had a population over 400,000 so each day, 60,000 sellers went to the main market so that each individual gets to eat edible food.
Find out more about the Aztec Civilisation here.
History Of The Civilisations
There are said to be five most famous civilisations in the world till now. The Sumerian Civilisation is the oldest out of them all. The term Sumer is an indication today for the present Southern Mesopotamia. This civilisation was founded in 3000 B.C.
The five most famous civilisations are the Ancient Egypt, Indus Valley Civilisation, Ancient Rome, Maya Civilisation and the Sumerian/Mesopotamian Civilisation.
Apart from the five most famous civilisations, the following civilisations also made a decent name for themselves.
- The Incan Civilisation
- The Aztec Civilisation
- The Chinese Civilisation
- The Persian Civilisation
- Ancient Greek