Bastard is a manga series that is based on the similarly called Japanese manga by Kazushi Hagiwara. Bastard Season 2 fits under the fantasy, gritty, action, and adventure categories. It’s as if the 1980s were condensed into a single fantastic sword-and-sorcery series. The antihero wizard Dark Schneider, who previously almost destroyed the world by attempting to awaken the God of Destruction, Anthrasax, is now striving to prevent it in Bastard.
Bastard Season 1 On Netflix, Plot, Release Date, And Reviews:
The first season (ep 1–13) of the Netflix anime series will begin streaming on June 30, 2022. Amid their conflict, Dark Schneider learns the truth about Arches Nei’s predicament, and Season 1 concludes on a cliffhanger. The fans were left wanting more moments to come. Despite the controversy surrounding its ecchi (sexual) sequences, this animation well exceeded the expectations of lovers of traditional anime. Fans enjoyed the anime’s intense violence and sensual material since it stayed true to the manga. It was also criticized for having “dated notions” and being a very sexualized anime. Bastard! Part 1 received slightly mixed reviews from the anime community after receiving ratings of 6.6-7.7 on IMDB and MAL. As a result, there is a rather uneven response from the critics, who either don’t care or like the program.
Bastard Season 2 On Netflix, Plot, Release Date, And Reviews:
Since Linden Films planned for Bastard Season 2 (ep 14–24) to be released on Netflix in two parts, viewers were eagerly awaiting the news. For this reason, when it was announced that the program will return on September 15, 2022, fans of this dark fantasy anime were ecstatic. The conflict between Dark Schneider and Arches Nei serves as a continuation of the plot and provides answers to some of the Season 1 mysteries. The second episode of this anime also focuses on more general issues related to religion, morality, and human belief systems. Additionally, it demonstrates the growth of many people’s personalities, without, of course, losing sight of Dark Schneider, the story’s most violent and savage protagonist.
More Information About Bastard Anime:
Warner Bros. Japan is the anime producer, while Liden Films is the animation studio. The 3D CGI animation segments were created by Studio Felix Film. The series’ plot was written by author Yousuke Kuroda. Character design was done by artist Sayaka Ono. The soundtrack for Part 2 was composed by Yasuharu Takanashi. Fans of Linden Films appreciate them much for maintaining the integrity of the manga events and sequences in the anime. Compared to other anime productions from the 1990s, this anime is renowned for being significantly more true to its manga source material.