Anderson High School confirm that there is a student of their school who got injured in the adjacent location. This is associated with the pinch Bengals that moved back most of Joe Mixon Monday Night.
The deputies of the city respond that a study of “Fired Shots” but there is no official person who said that the student got shot. There are a few different kinds of specification persons are revealed.
Email Sent from School to Parents:

There is an email sent by Anderson High school to the family of that student. The email is written by Kyle Fender who works in the management of that school and the email was transferred on Tuesday. The student is injured at Nan’s schoolhouse on a Monday night time on 7900 Ayes Road. The student is well and he is fine according to the report on Tuesday.
24 hours later from the incident, one of the authorities people expose a very small accusation in which he told what happened. The spokeswoman of sheriff’s police Kyla Woods confirm that the connection is issued on Tuesday in which Nan spot is connected to the Mixon. Which is the portion of the crime scene. But there is no opportunity from the connection that the student of Anderson high school got shot.
Incident Report:
The connection said that a hunt was performed on the 7900 Artifact of Ayes Road. Unfortunately, the connection doesn’t know the exact location where they search. In addition, they don’t know about the warrant, and what was discovered is not given in the connection.
The Enquirer has created a request for the documents which include the search warrants, dispatch record, incident report, and the camera footage which is connected to the incident. The sheriff’s police didn’t arrest the person as they goes inside the home and left with nothing. Sheriff police told that the next update will come later this week.
In Austin Texas, A student of Anderson High school got shot at 700 artifact Ayes Road on Monday Late at night. The student is fine but got hurt with some minor injuries. An email is sent from the high school to the parents of that student.
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