The abortion law in Georgia, and the abortion landscape is constantly changing. In addition, there is a new wave of anti-abortion laws. Due to which women who have miscarried face the prospect of being required to prove their innocence to the law to prove that they did not do anything to trigger the miscarriage. This is in addition to trying to cope with grieving the loss.

What’s The Abortion Law In Georgia?
The legality of abortion is in Georgia until fetal heart activity is discovered, which is usually approximately six weeks. However, it is not legal in certain circumstances like incest, rape, and threats to the pregnant woman’s life. The law also redefines an embryo or fetus as an individual in Georgia’s code.
What is The reason Miscarriages Are Referred As “Spontaneous Abortions”?
“Miscarriage” refers to the sudden disappearance of women’s pregnancies before the 20th week. Symptoms could be vaginal bleeding or abdominal cramping, spotting, or spotting. Women may also experience missed miscarriages. This happens the case when a baby dies within the womb, but the mother doesn’t show any signs or symptoms. A local doula Javon Sage believes that the word is employed to avoid the stigma of induced abortion.
“The medical term for miscarriages is spontaneous abortions, so that can be jarring for some folks. I just believe miscarriage sounds nicer. It sounds more gentle.”
Javon Sage – Local doula
House Bill 481 Case
Georgia’s recently passed House Bill 481 has some patients who’ve survived dangerous pregnancy complications and OB-GYNs who are concerned that the restrictions on abortions could hinder medical care for women who have miscarriages or other serious problems. The following case tells us how abortion law in Georgia has an impact on the miscarrige cases.
Mykal Fraser from Lithonia shared her story about what suddenly went wrong with her first pregnancy. She got a miscarriage several years ago. Fraser was only four-and-a-half months pregnant.
In the ER, the doctors gave terrible news. Fraser likely lost the baby, the child she and her husband, dreamed of so much.
Her OB placed her in bed inside her residence at Stone Mountain to keep it from happening. Her mother was there to stay with her and assist her. Fraser said:
“A week afterward, that’s the time I went to the bathroom and noticed the umbilical cord hanging loose.”
Mykal Fraser
She made her way into the hospital. The news this time was more devastating.
The fetus was dead. The doctors also informed Fraser they believed she would be at risk for high risk of infection, bleeding, sepsis, hemorrhaging, sepsis and death.
“And I have to move quickly,” she added, “so I have to make a split decision as to what I want to do.”
Mykal Fraser
According to the abortion law in Georgia, she have to choose between an abortion surgically known as dilation and evacuation or D&E or undergo labor-induced delivery of the dead fetus.
“I knew what delivery was, right? I knew that I would be awake, I knew that I would be pushing and I knew that, you know, there would be people in the room — and I knew I didn’t want that,” Fraser said. “I was already devastated by the loss and I just wanted it to be over with. And so, there was no doubt in my mind that I was going to have an abortion. No doubt, because the other way was inhumane to me.”
Mykal Fraser
Fraser decided to go to a surgical center to undergo an abortion to eliminate the embryonic tissue of her uterus. Although her mental pain was induced due to the Abortion Law In Georgia.