7 Easy Food Hacks For You

Whether you think you’re a good chef, cooking for your family or eating too much takeout can be tiring. There is no better time than now to use these hacks to make your cooking easier. Also to make you a master in the kitchen.

  • Make Your Own Marinara Sauce – Pasta sauce can be pretty expensive. Just pop open a can of crushed tomatoes, add garlic, some fresh or dried basil, salt and pepper, and a splash of olive oil. Simmer until it reaches the perfect consistency for you.

  • Have Themed Dinner Nights – If you’re out of ideas, meal planning might be the solution for you. Stick to pre-planned themed nights, such as Taco Tuesday, Pasta Friday, or Pizza Thursday.

  • Use a Hand Mixer To Mash Potatoes – Making Mashed Potatoes takes a lot of arm work. Use a mixer to skip it, very easy solution. A hand mixer also smooths out all the potatoes, making it lump-free.

  • Grate Butter For An Easier Spread – If your kinds of butter is too cold, use a grater to soften the amount of butter you need. It makes the butter easier to spread without destroying your loaf. A lot of chefs also use this method.

  • Make Hash Browns In Your Waffle Maker – Waffle makers aren’t just used for waffles. You can also use them for hash browns, omelets, quesadillas, etc.

  • Poach Eggs In Clingfilm – Usually attempts at poaching eggs end up in a disaster, but here is a tip for you. Lay a piece of clingfilm in a bowl, lightly oil the inside, then crack in an egg. Lightly gather up the ends of the clingfilm and then tie it together. Place it in boiling water for two to four minutes depending on how you want it.

  • Prevent Ice Cream Getting Freezer-Burned – If your ice cream gets freezer burned, try trimming the container down while you eat it. The ice cream lid can still fit throughout the box which reduces the amount of air exposure.

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